DDAddin: Drag and Drop from Outlook to Browser, SAP, Java, etc.

Version 2.9.0

Purchase NEW

DDAddin License Key - PER-INSTALLATION, includes free support and updates for two years.

DDAddin License Key - UNLIMITED for an unlimited number of users of a company and its subsidiaries. Includes free support and updates for one year.

DDAddin License Key - OEM to integrate DDAddin with your products and receive the source code (C++, Visual Studio 2017). Allows to modify, compile and re-distribute your own version of DDAddin. Includes free support and updates for one year.

Read here about how to deploy DDAddin automatically e.g. by Windows GPO.

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Feedback and Support

DDAddin documentation can be found here here.

If you encounter problems, have any questions or feature requests, please send a mail to support@wilutions.info.

Known Problems

2017-03-06: Attachments cannot be dragged from Outlook 2013 onto a web-site, if previewing of attachments is disabled. This option is found at "FILE - Options - Trust Center - Trust Center Settings... - Attachment Handling - Turn off Attachment Preview". This box should be unchecked. Neither Outlook 2010 nor Outlook 2016 show this effect.

2017-04-10: An attachment dragged from an Outlook 2013 inspector window, that shows a new mail, gets lost when it is dragged onto a web-site. This also happens without DDAddin installed.